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Your first and last name are not really necessary but we may have the opportunity to contact you later.
Your first and last name are not really necessary but we may have the opportunity to contact you later.
How old are you ?
What is your current occupation ?
Do you know the job of an independent agricultural advisor ?
Valeur sélectionnée : 1
Click on the blue circle to slide it to the chosen value
This question concerns the need to be able to provide farmers with advice that is completely separate from the trade in these same inputs.
Are you aware of an organization of independent agricultural advisors in your country ?
Is there in your country one or more organizations specific to Agricultural Consulting such as an Order, a Company or an organization that certifies or qualifies the profession of advisor?
Answer Yes to the previous question by providing details or information available on the Internet.
What do you think advice given to a farmer should include :
In your opinion, should the advisor be impartial and independent ?
This question concerns the impartiality of the councils and their independence from any trade.
Do you think that advice is necessary on a farm ?
In your opinion, should a farmer be able to freely choose his Advisor ?
In your opinion, is it necessary for independent advisors to be :
This question concerns the need for the advisor to be able to demonstrate his professional abilities
Do you think that independent agricultural advice is sufficiently supported by public policies (state or EU) ?
Should we support an independent council serving farmers?
Answer this question if you checked No to the previous question
If you have any ideas or suggestions about the profession of independent agricultural advisor, you can let us know your suggestions here
Consent to the processing of data from this questionnaire
I agree to receive the quarterly newsletter of the AEICA association
If you have the possibility to send us by email documents which concern the profession of independent advisor in your country: it is possible to send them to us by email to Or leave us text or contact details in the box above

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L’Association européenne de conseillers agricoles indépendants :